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BigPawShop's Dog Blog

How to Wash Stinky Dog Collars and Harnesses

23 Mar 2024 0 Comments


Ever since humans domesticated dogs, accessories like collars and harnesses have become essential, evolving from simple ropes to the diverse range we see today. However, with regular use, these items can start to collect a less-than-pleasant smell. Tackling the stench head-on doesn't have to be a daunting task. In this post, we're diving into effective, straightforward methods to wash those stinky dog collars and harnesses, ensuring they're not just clean but also safe for your furry friend. From traditional soap and water techniques to innovative cleaning solutions, get ready to transform those pongy pet accessories back into their former glory without breaking a sweat.

Key Takeaways

  • Regular cleaning and maintenance of dog collars and harnesses are crucial for preventing unpleasant odors and ensuring the longevity of these items. Establish a routine cleaning schedule based on your dog's activity level.

  • For synthetic materials, a mixture of water and dog-friendly detergent can effectively remove most odors and stains. Remember to thoroughly rinse and dry the items after washing.

  • Leather collars require special care; use a gentle leather cleaner and conditioner to maintain their condition without causing damage. Avoid soaking leather in water.

  • Natural cleaning solutions like baking soda, vinegar, or lemon juice can be effective for both deodorizing and stain removal, making them a great eco-friendly option.

  • In case your dog's collar or harness gets sprayed by a skunk, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap can help neutralize the smell. Act quickly for the best results.

  • Implementing odor prevention techniques, such as wiping down the collar or harness after your dog gets wet or muddy, can significantly reduce the frequency of deep cleanings needed.

Understanding Dog Collar Odors

Common Causes

Pet owners often notice that their dog's collar can start to smell bad over time. This is usually due to sweat and dirt that accumulate from daily activities. Dogs love to play outside, roll in the grass, and sometimes even splash through puddles. All these actions contribute to the buildup of grime on their collars.

Another factor is environmental elements. Rain or humidity can cause collars to stay damp for longer periods. This creates a perfect environment for odors to develop.

Bacteria Growth

The presence of bacteria and yeast is a significant contributor to the unpleasant smell emanating from dog collars. These microorganisms thrive in moist conditions. If a collar doesn't dry properly after getting wet, it becomes a breeding ground for them.

It's crucial for pet owners to understand that merely wiping the collar with a cloth isn't enough. Proper drying is essential to prevent the growth of these odor-causing agents.

Importance of Cleaning

Regular cleaning is key in preventing the buildup of smells on your pup's collar. Many pet owners might overlook this aspect of dog care, but it’s as vital as regular baths for your dog. Ignoring collar cleanliness not only leaves your dog walking around with an unpleasant odor but can also lead to skin irritations around their neck.

To maintain a fresh-smelling collar, incorporate cleaning into your routine pet care practices. It doesn’t have to be daily, but making sure you clean the collar thoroughly at least once every few weeks is a good rule of thumb.

Tips for Odor Prevention

Regular Checks

Frequent inspections of your dog's collar can prevent odors from setting in. Catch them early and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble. Look for signs of dirt buildup or moisture, as these are common culprits behind bad smells.

It's crucial to clean the collar immediately if you notice any unpleasant scents. This proactive approach stops odors in their tracks, keeping your dog's gear smelling fresh.

Material Choice

Selecting the right materials can make a big difference in managing odor. Waterproof or odor-resistant materials absorb less smell, making them easier to maintain.

Nylon and rubber are great options. They resist water and don't hold onto scents like other materials do. Investing in these types of collars can reduce the frequency of washes needed.

Thorough Drying

After washing, drying is key to preventing bacterial growth. Bacteria thrive in moist environments, so completely dry the collar before putting it back on your dog.

Air drying is the best method. It ensures no moisture remains that could lead to more odors or even mildew development. If possible, let it dry outside in the sun for added antibacterial benefits.

Cleaning Synthetic Dog Collars

Shampoo Wash

Dog shampoo isn't just for baths. It's a safe and effective cleaner for synthetic dog collars too. Mix it with hot water to kill germs and eliminate odors. The warmth of the water helps in loosening dirt and grime, making it easier to clean.

Dip the collar in this solution and scrub gently. This method is gentle on the material but tough on dirt. It removes not just surface dirt but also the oils that cause bad smells.

Vinegar Solution

For a deeper clean, vinegar is your go-to. Create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. This solution breaks down the stubborn smells without damaging the collar's fabric.

k the collar for at least an hour. Then, rinse thoroughly with cold water. Vinegar has natural deodorizing properties, making it perfect for removing those persistent stinky odors from your dog’s collar.

Baking Soda Scrub

Baking soda is another powerful deodorizer. Make a paste using baking soda and water. Apply this paste directly onto the collar. Let it sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing lightly.

This paste absorbs deep-set smells and lifts stains from the fabric of the collar. It's a non-toxic option that's safe for pets while being highly effective in cleaning.

Air Drying

After washing, air drying is crucial. Wet collars can breed yeast and bacteria, leading to more odors or even infections for your pet. Hang the collar in a well-ventilated area or outside in direct sunlight.

Sunlight not only dries but also acts as a natural disinfectant, further ensuring that your dog’s collar is free from harmful microbes.

Cleaning Leather Dog Collars

Gentle Scrubbing

To clean leather collars effectively, start by removing any tags or accessories. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the surface gently. For stubborn dirt, mix a solution of warm water and mild soap. Dip a soft brush in the mixture and scrub the collar lightly.

It's crucial to avoid soaking leather collars in water. They absorb moisture, which can lead to warping or stretching. After scrubbing, use a clean, damp cloth to remove any soap residue.

Air Drying

Once you've cleaned the collar, lay it flat on a towel away from direct heat or sunlight. Leather reacts poorly to high temperatures, leading to cracking or fading. Allow the collar to air dry completely before reattaching it to your dog.

If you're in a hurry, resist the temptation to speed up the process with a hairdryer or radiator. Patience ensures the leather maintains its shape and integrity.


After cleaning and drying your dog's leather collar, applying a pet-safe leather conditioner is essential. This step helps restore moisture and flexibility lost during washing.

Apply a small amount of conditioner onto a soft cloth. Rub it into the leather in circular motions until fully absorbed. This not only keeps the collar looking good but also extends its lifespan.

Conditioning should be done every few months or after each wash to maintain the quality of the leather.

Natural Cleaning Solutions

Vinegar Soak

Vinegar, a powerful natural deodorizer, can effectively remove the stinky smell from dog collars and harnesses. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a bowl. Soak the collar or harness for at least an hour.

After soaking, it's crucial to thoroughly rinse the item under running water. This removes any lingering vinegar smell. Many pet owners find this method safe for their pets and environmentally friendly.

Baking Soda Scrub

Baking soda is another excellent choice for tackling tough odors. Make a paste using baking soda and a small amount of water. Apply this paste directly onto the stinky areas of the collar or harness.

Use a brush to gently scrub the paste into the fabric. This helps lift dirt and oil that contribute to bad smells. After scrubbing, rinse the item well with warm water. Baking soda not only cleans but also neutralizes odors without harsh chemicals.

Dish Soap Wash

For daily maintenance, dish soap is effective and gentle. Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Submerge the collar or harness, using your hands to agitate the water and work up some suds.

Let it soak for 15-20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with clean water. Dish soap can cut through grease and eliminate bacteria that cause odors, making it a great option for regular washing.

Shampoo Solution

Pet shampoo can also be used as a cleaning agent for dog collars and harnesses. It's designed to be gentle on skin (and fur) which means it's safe for most materials used in pet accessories.

Mix pet shampoo with warm water in a bowl or sink. Soak the collar or harness for several minutes before using a soft brush or cloth to gently clean the item. Rinse well under running water to ensure all soap residue is removed.

Removing Skunk Smell

Dish Soap Mix

Dish soap, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide create a powerful mixture. This combination neutralizes skunk odors effectively. Start by mixing two tablespoons of dish soap with a quarter cup of baking soda. Then, slowly add in one cup of hydrogen peroxide.

This solution breaks down the stench molecules on the collar or harness. It's essential to apply this mix promptly after noticing the skunk smell. The longer the odor sits, the harder it becomes to remove.

Color Test

Hydrogen peroxide can cause discoloration. Always test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the dog collar first. If there's no color change after a few minutes, proceed with applying the mixture all over.

For colored fabrics, you might want to dilute the hydrogen peroxide with water. Use one part peroxide to three parts water to lessen its bleaching effect.

Patience Required

Removing skunk smell often requires patience and multiple washes. After applying the mixture, let it sit for at least five minutes before rinsing thoroughly with cold water.

If the stench lingers, repeat the process. Sometimes, it takes several attempts to completely eliminate the odor from dog collars and harnesses made of different materials.

Addressing Special Stains

Mud Removal

Mud can be a common culprit in making dog collars and harnesses look old and grimy. Pre-treating the area with a gentle detergent helps loosen the dirt. Apply the detergent directly to the mud stain and gently rub it in with an old toothbrush or cloth. Let it sit for about 15 minutes before proceeding to wash as usual. This approach works well for both synthetic and leather materials, although leather items should not be soaked but rather wiped clean.

For synthetic collars, soaking in warm water after pre-treatment can further help lift the dirt. Leather collars, on the other hand, benefit from specialized leather cleaners that preserve their integrity while removing stains.

Blood Stains

Blood stains require immediate attention as they set quickly and are harder to remove once dried. For fresh blood stains on synthetic fabrics, cold water rinsing is crucial to prevent setting. A mixture of cold water and mild soap applied gently can remove fresh stains effectively.

Leather collars pose a greater challenge due to their delicate nature. A damp cloth dipped in a solution of water and mild soap should be used to dab at the stain carefully without saturating the leather. It's important not to rub vigorously as this could cause more damage.

Grease Marks

Grease marks from food or oils can seem daunting but are manageable with the right approach. For synthetic materials, applying a small amount of dish soap directly onto the grease spot works wonders. Dish soap is designed to break down oils and can be very effective when left on the stain for a few minutes before washing.

Leather requires a gentler method due to its sensitivity to chemicals. Cornstarch or baking soda can be sprinkled on the grease mark and left overnight. These substances absorb oil effectively without harming the leather. The next day, brushing off the powder gently will reveal a cleaner surface.

Maintenance and Care Routines

Cleaning Schedule

Regular cleaning schedules are key for keeping dog collars and harnesses fresh and odor-free. The frequency should match your pet's lifestyle. Active dogs or those frequently exploring outdoors may need their gear cleaned weekly. Less adventurous pets might only require a monthly clean.

It's crucial to adapt the cleaning routine based on how often your dog gets dirty or sweats. This proactive approach helps prevent buildup of odors and grime. Remember, a clean collar is not just about smell; it's about maintaining overall health and comfort for your furry friend.

Multiple Collars

Having several collars on hand offers numerous benefits. It allows one collar to air out and thoroughly dry while another is in use. This rotation system ensures that each collar maintains its integrity longer, reducing wear and tear from constant use.

Multiple collars also mean you can choose different styles for varying occasions or activities, enhancing your dog’s comfort and safety during physical activity or rest. It's a simple strategy that significantly impacts the longevity of pet accessories and the welfare of your pet.

Inspection Routine

Each cleaning session provides an excellent opportunity to check collars for signs of damage. Look for frayed edges, loose threads, or weakened buckles that could pose a risk to your pet’s safety. Regular inspection helps catch minor issues before they escalate into potential hazards.

This careful scrutiny extends beyond mere aesthetics; it's about ensuring the accessory can hold up against pulling or sudden movements during walks or playtime. By prioritizing this aspect, you safeguard your beloved pet against unexpected accidents, reinforcing the bond of trust and attachment within the family unit.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices

Biodegradable Soaps

Biodegradable soaps harness the power of nature to effectively wash away dirt and odor from dog collars and harnesses. Made from natural ingredients, these soaps break down easily in the environment, reducing pollution. They're gentle on fabrics too, preserving the life of your pet's gear.

Using biodegradable soaps not only cleans well but also supports a healthier planet. They contain no harsh chemicals that can harm waterways or wildlife. This choice reflects a commitment to eco-friendly living.

Natural Ingredients

Incorporating natural ingredients like baking soda and vinegar into your cleaning routine offers a potent solution for eliminating tough odors. These substances neutralize smells without leaving harmful residues behind.

For a simple yet effective wash, mix equal parts of water and vinegar with a sprinkle of baking soda. Soak the collar or harness in this mixture for an hour before rinsing thoroughly. This method showcases the potential of everyday items in achieving cleanliness without environmental compromise.

Air Drying

Opting to air dry dog collars and harnesses after washing is another step towards sustainability. It saves energy compared to using electric dryers and reduces your carbon footprint significantly. Air drying also prevents the wear that can occur with frequent tumble drying, extending the lifespan of these items.

Placing washed gear in a sunny spot not only dries it but uses UV rays to naturally disinfect them. This process embodies an efficient use of resources while caring for your pet's accessories.

Repurposing Collars

Before discarding old dog collars, consider their potential for repurposing. An outdated collar might serve as a handy tool for securing plants in a garden or as part of a craft project. Recycling or donating usable collars can also extend their usefulness beyond your home.

This approach minimizes waste and supports a circular economy where products get new lives instead of ending up in landfills. It encourages creativity and resourcefulness within pet care routines.


Tackling stinky dog collars and harnesses doesn't have to be a headache. With the right know-how, you can keep your furry friend's gear fresh and clean, ensuring they're comfortable and odor-free. From understanding the root causes of collar odors to adopting eco-friendly cleaning practices, we've covered essential tips and tricks to address every aspect of collar maintenance. Whether it's synthetic materials or leather, there's a solution tailored for each type, including natural cleaning options for those looking for a green approach.

Remember, regular maintenance not only keeps the stink away but also extends the life of your dog's collars and harnesses. Dive into these practices; make them a part of your routine. Your nose (and your pup) will thank you! Ready to tackle that smell head-on? Start applying these tips today, and feel the difference. Don't let a stinky collar stand in the way of enjoying precious moments with your four-legged companion.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I effectively remove odors from my dog's collar?

k the collar in a mixture of water and pet-safe detergent, then gently scrub. For synthetic collars, a vinegar solution works well. Always air dry for best results.

What are some preventive measures to keep my dog's collar from smelling?

Regularly clean the collar using appropriate methods for its material. Drying the collar completely after it gets wet and avoiding prolonged exposure to moisture can prevent odor buildup.

Can leather dog collars be washed without damaging them?

Yes, but use a gentle cleaner designed for leather. Apply the cleaner with a soft cloth, wipe off residue, and allow it to air dry away from direct heat or sunlight.

What natural solutions are effective for cleaning dog collars?

A mix of baking soda and water creates a powerful paste for removing smells. Vinegar diluted in water is also great for deodorizing and disinfecting without harsh chemicals.

How do you get rid of skunk smell on dog collars?

k the collar in a solution of 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda, and 1 teaspoon liquid dishwashing soap. Rinse thoroughly after soaking.

What should I do about special stains on my dog's harness?

Treat stains as soon as possible with a stain remover suitable for the harness material. Gently scrubbing with a soft brush can help lift stubborn stains before washing.

Are there eco-friendly ways to clean my dog's collar and harness?

Yes! Use biodegradable soaps and natural cleaning agents like vinegar or baking soda. Also, consider hand washing over machine washing to reduce water usage.

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